Brand New Workshops from Jim D’Ville!

If you’ve ever taken a workshop from Jim D’Ville, you know that it is a high-powered and entertaining experience. He owns the Play by Ear franchise and has been preaching that gospel from coast-to-coast (and from sea-to-sea) for more than 10 years!  Jim is a generous instructor, terrific entertainer, talented filmmaker, and wonderful musician.

What more could we ask for?

Well, how about some brand new workshops for the 2018 West Coast ‘Ukulele Retreat that will get us all on the road to playing better by playing by ear and having fun at the same time?

And so, without further ado, here’s what Jim D’Ville will be teaching for us this year.

Second that Emotion: the Emotional Value of Chords

An offshoot of his popular Play by Ear series, in this 3-day workshop Jim will focus on what makes chords tick.  Why some make you feel afraid. And why some make you sad.  There is a chord associated with each of the seven notes of a major scale. When played in context, each chord evokes a certain emotional response from the listener. Learning these chordal relationships will open your ears to the chord progressions to millions of songs. This is the first step to playing by ear. In order to get the most out of this one, you should know the finger positions for C, dm, em, F, G, am, and bdim. And if you don’t, you’ll soon learn them! (Level 2 – 4)

Magical Mystery Chords

Using super familiar songs, Jim will help you understand how the Beatles used the emotional value of simple, extended chords to write some of the most popular music of all time. At the same time, you’ll learn to play the songs without looking at the music! Songs include “Hey Jude,” “Nowhere Man,” “Taxman,”  “A Hard Days Night,” and many more! (2-4) As in all of Jim’s workshops, you’ll play a lot. (Level 2 – 4)

Hits by Neil Diamond 1966-’71

Neil Diamond is all  about the emotional value of the chords.  That’s why he was able to write so many enduring pop classics in the mid-to late 1960’s. In this workshop, we’ll not only play some of Neil’s greatest hits, we’ll discover the underlying structure that made them hits. Songs include “Sweet Caroline,” “Cherry Cherry,”  “Red Red Wine,” “I’m A Believer,” and more! (Level 2 – 4)

Flash Mob!

Last year we had a tuba and a glockenspiel!  So who knows what Jim will be bringing in to make this year’s flash mob even better than last year? All we know so far is that we’ll all be “Happy Together!”  (All Levels)

And don’t forget!  Jim is just one of the members of our illustrious and talented staff!

It’s not too late to register if you’ve been sitting on the fence…..but time is running out!

~ by UkuleleLady on April 10, 2018.